Before we talk about treatment, let's start with a discussion about the human body and about your medical condition.
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Your doctor has recommended that you have arthroscopic surgery in order to repair a torn meniscus in your knee. But what does that actually mean? |
The knee is one of the most important and one of the most complex joints in your body. |
It is made up of bone, ligament and cartilage. Damage to any individual part can dramatically restrict the normal movement of the leg and can even interfere with the ability to walk. |
Let's take a look at the way the knee is put together. The femur, or thigh bone, meets the tibia to create a flexible joint called the knee. |
Helping to stabilize the knee are flexible bands of tissue called ligaments. |
Protecting the bony surfaces that rub together, are pads of tissue called cartilage. |
Cartilage acts like a cushion. Without it, every time you bend at the knee, you would cause the major bones of the leg to grind together. |
The meniscus is cartilage that not only protects the bone, but also acts like the leg's shock absorber. |
Twisting or bending the knee during sports or even normal activity can damage the meniscus. |
Symptoms include swelling, restricted movement, pain and even the inability to stand on the effected leg. |
So make sure that you ask your doctor to carefully explain the reasons behind this recommendation. |