Patient Education
Monday, September 16, 2024

Audio Presentation

Hernia Repair

Inguinal (Laparoscopic)

  Your Body
  Medical Record
  Before Surgery
  Your Procedure
This information is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. MedSelfEd, Inc. disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information.
Your doctor understands that all medical care benefits from close collaboration between physician and patient -- so be sure to review, with your doctor, all risks and alternatives and make sure you understand the reasons behind the recommendation for this particular procedure.

Now let's talk in detail about the procedure your doctor has recommended. That particular recommendation was based on a number of factors:

  • the state of your health,

  • the severity of your condition,

  • an assessment of alternative treatments or procedures and finally,

  • the risks associated with doing nothing at all.

And remember, the final decision is up to you. No one can force you to undergo a surgical procedure against your will.

When it comes to treating a hernia, surgery is almost always the safest and most comfortable option.
When it comes to treating a hernia, surgery is almost always the safest and most comfortable option.

The only alternatives to surgery are trusses and surgical belts. These are support devices worn like undergarments. They work by exerting pressure on the hernia to keep it from extending outward.

The problems with these devices are that they are often uncomfortable and they may not prevent the hernia from increasing in size. But most importantly, they may not protect against the serious complications which can follow the development of an irreducible or strangulated hernia.

Because of these risks, it is rare these days for a physician to recommend any treatment other than surgical repair for hernia.

Surgical procedures performed by making an incision large enough to expose the entire operative area...
Surgical procedures performed by making an incision large enough to expose the entire operative area...
are called
are called "open" procedures.
Your doctor believes that your medical condition and overall state of health make you a good candidate for a less intrusive laparoscopic surge
Your doctor believes that your medical condition and overall state of health make you a good candidate for a less intrusive laparoscopic surge
A laparoscope is a narrow tube
A laparoscope is a narrow tube
that contains a light source
that contains a light source
and a small video camera.
and a small video camera.
Using a laparoscope the surgeon is able to operate by making one or more very small incisions...
Using a laparoscope the surgeon is able to operate by making one or more very small incisions...
through which the sterile laparoscope, and possibly other instruments, are inserted into the body. Using the laparoscope's video camera, the surgeon is able to explore and inspect the interior of the abdomen - often allowing the surgeon to see with greater detail and with more clarity than with the human eye alone.
through which the sterile laparoscope, and possibly other instruments, are inserted into the body. Using the laparoscope's video camera, the surgeon is able to explore and inspect the interior of the abdomen - often allowing the surgeon to see with greater detail and with more clarity than with the human eye alone.
However, it is important to understand that during the procedure, your surgical team is always prepared to convert a laparoscopic procedure to an open procedure - should they feel that your condition requires a more direct approach.
However, it is important to understand that during the procedure, your surgical team is always prepared to convert a laparoscopic procedure to an open procedure - should they feel that your condition requires a more direct approach.
If the surgical team makes this decision, you will find upon waking up that your doctor has made a larger incision and that healing may proceed more slowly.
If the surgical team makes this decision, you will find upon waking up that your doctor has made a larger incision and that healing may proceed more slowly.
Converting to an open procedure will effect the length of your recovery and will probably require hospitalization. Of course, no surgery is completely risk free. But your physician believes that if you decide not to undergo the recommended procedure, you may be putting your health at risk.
Converting to an open procedure will effect the length of your recovery and will probably require hospitalization. Of course, no surgery is completely risk free. But your physician believes that if you decide not to undergo the recommended procedure, you may be putting your health at risk.
Now I'd like to introduce you to another important member of the medical team -- the nurse.

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Survey Questions

1) Did the information help to decrease any anxiety that you may have had about the procedure?
Yes, definitely.
Yes, maybe.
No, not at all.
2) Did the presentation help you understand the procedure any better?
Yes, definitely.
Yes, maybe.
No, not at all.
3) How would you rate the quality of the information?
Very Good
4) Would you recommend this program to others having the same procedure?
Yes, definitely.
Yes, probably.
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