Because you've been scheduled for ambulatory - or outpatient surgery - you're responsible for taking certain precautions before you arrive. Specifically...
- You must not have anything to eat or drink after midnight on the night before you arrive at the hospital.
- Do not take any aspirin or other anti-inflammatory for 10 days before surgery. Occasionally these drugs can interfere with the blood's ability to clot and can actually increase the amount of bleeding during and after surgery.
- If you're on any medication - including over the counter drugs - be sure to ask your doctor whether or not you can continue taking that medication. And if not, how far in advance of surgery you must stop.
- Finally, you must also arrange for transportation to and from the place at which the procedure will be performed. Everyone reacts differently to even simple surgical procedures and there's no way you can predict how you'll be feeling after the procedure. So don't forget, following surgery, you will not be allowed to drive.
The nurse and anesthesiologist will be closely monitoring your comfort and progress. Remember, don't hesitate to ask any questions about any of the information that they've just provided. |